TeenScreen: A Parent's Testimonial
Teen Screen wants to reward my child with free movie passes in order to sign a waiver for him to get screened for mental health disorders. It's called a mental physical. If I want to take my child to get any type of physical I will do that on my own. Teen screen has put into my child's head that he has a mental problem.
NOW he is acting very depressed and frustrated because he thinks that there is something wrong with him. How dare these people put this worry and falsehoods in my child's head!! Kids have enough to worry about as it is, now they have to worry that if they have a bad day at school, their teachers are going to assume that they are mental.
I do not believe that these children are being helped. I do not believe that they are in this out of concern for our children, but I do believe that teen screen is out for their own personal gain. That is to combine their clinical knowledge with pharmaceutical companies to diagnose kids with some fake mental disorder in order to get the big bucks. Teen Screen is not the best way to go in order to find help for our children they are in this business for selfish reasons and the children are not benefiting from what ever it is these people are trying to accomplish.
I would never allow my child to go through such torture. If my child needs help, I will go through the proper channels to get my child the help he needs; and drugs aren't always the answer. The children can become depended on these drugs for their whole life and if you read up on the side effects of the medications, they are worse then the actual problem!!! I will keep my child away from any type of teen screening.
Harriette Miller, California
Well said, Harriett.
Thanks for this post. I thought I was the only one who felt negative feeling about this Teen Screen Program. This site offers awareness. Thanks for caring.
I believe the same way, let's leave a child alone than to have him go through a scanning test for mental disorders.
The Teen Screen Program is NO GOOD!
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