Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Passive Consent

Many of you may not realize this, but the Teen Screen Program uses the very sneaky tactic called the Passive Consent Form to lure students into doing the so called "mental health survey". What exactly is Passive Consent Form? It is a form that the Teen Screen program gives the school to send home with the students. If the students do not return the form within the required time allotted by Teen Screen, the program will consider the parents' failure to sign AS consent!

The Passive Consent form has been utilized as a tactic to perform the tests on the children without the parents consent. As with all sneaky program forms that are worded the right way, the passive consent form relies on the parents not reading this form correctly. Most of the time, parents are required TO return forms as consent, but this form requires parents to return forms to OPT OUT of the program's analysis.

Note to all parents when you receive a form from your child's school. Read carefully!


Michael Taylor July 7, 2009 at 7:41 PM  

I am appalled at these tactics. Someone should really check into this and let this be known.

Dane MacKenzie July 8, 2009 at 2:59 PM  

I agree with the guy above. That sounds almost illegal.

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