Teen Screen Survey Questions - An inside look
Some parents by now are wondering exactly what kind of questions will be on the survey issued by Teen Screen. Thanks to a trustworthy source, we've acquired just that! Parents, we appeal to you, DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN TO TAKE THE TEEN SCREEN SURVEY.
Why? What could be the harm? You may ask. Did you know that over 84% of the results are false positives? That means that those 84% and more students are PERMANENTLY labeled as a mental health risk, and their psychological profiles will be labeled as such. Think about this: Your child takes the TEEN SCREEN survey and receives a "positive", but in fact it is a "false positive" result. You both are then subject to an onslaught of suggested tests and medications by the "professionals" who issued the survey. If you and your child survive that, later in life he or she will be branded as a quack, not able to get work with any reputable company that checks psychological profiles. You see unlike criminal records, psychological profiles stay open...
The harm? This program has been proven to have alterior motives. That is to push the psychiatric drugs from the pharmaceutical companies down the throats of unsuspecting kids. Your child can be one on them. So before you make any haste to allow your child to take the program's survey, review the questions below. Later, make a self examination of you as a parent and see if you could ask those same questions to your child. Its better when a parent ask these questions in the privacy of your own home as opposed to a group of strangers psychologically raping our children.
List of questions on a Teen Screen survey that may be asked:
- Has there been a time when nothing is fun for you and you weren't interested in anything?
- Has there been a time when you felt you couldn't do anything right and that you were not a as handsome or pretty as the rest of the students?
- How often do your parents get annoyed or upset with you because of the way you are feeling?
- Have you ever felt nervous when you had to do things in front of people?
- Have you often worried alot before playing a sport or activity?
- Have you tried to kill yourself in the last year?
- Are you still thinking about killing yourself?
- Have you thought seriously about killing yourself?
- Have you often thought about killing yourself?
- Have you ever tried to kill yourself?
- and many more like these...
Very informative information
I agree. Sometimes it's easier to just ignore. This is really serious.
There should be a law against Teen Screen because it is a violation of people's rights. They are taking advantage of the vulnerable and this is not fair. I din't know about this, thank you for telling us.
This is another issue of parental responsibility. If parents stop letting the schools raise their kids, maybe things like this one happen. Wise up parents. Stop being lazy and start doing what you're suppose to do. And that's taking care of your kids!
Read carefully if you sign the permission slip for your kid to participate in Teen Screen. You will probably find a notice to the effect that the school MUST report any child who is deemed to be a danger to himself or others. This means that if your child is one of the many false positives, several things may happen:
- Social services may take your child into custody to guarantee that he or she will get the proper "care" (i.e., your child may be institutionalized and/or drugged against his will and without your permission)
- If your child is forced into unnecessary mental health treatment, future employers may use this to deny your child certain jobs
- It could become difficult for your child to obtain health or life insurance in the future because that false positive will become a "pre-existing condition"
It really isn't worth the risk. The best solution is to spend lots of time with your own child so that you know him and you know when something's not right in his life. BE A PARENT. Don't turn that job over the schools or you may just find that you, as a parent, have become irrelevant.
What I meant to point out in the preceding comment is: just because Teen Screen promises confidentiality, don't fall for it. The school and the medical community are both mandated reporters. By law, if they even suspect that your child is at risk of harm, they MUST report it to child protective authorities. Confidentiality is a myth. You implicitly waive your child's confidentiality if you allow him or her to take this test.
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