Shocking Facts
If you are still one of those parents who do not think TeenScreen is "all that bad", take a look at these shocking facts that are the end result of a false positive result on the Teen Screen survey. Remember, it's highly likely that your adolescent normal teen will get a false positive and then put on some serious psychiatric drugs:
Did you know that:
Eight out of 13 U.S. school shootings were committed by teens taking psychotropic drugs known to cause violent and suicidal behavior.
At least five teens responsible for school massacres had undergone a psychiatric program called “anger management” or other psychological behavior modification programs such as “death education.”
For decades, schools around the world have used “death education,” a psychological experiment in which the children are made to discuss suicide, what they would like placed in their coffins, and made to write their own epitaphs in an effort to “get kids more comfortable with death.” Anger management aims at stopping aggressive or violent behavior but virtually no reliable information exists to prove it can eliminate the problem. In one class, a boy beat up a classmate so badly that six days later the boy was still in the hospital.
18-year-old Eric Harris (right) and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold took “anger management,” “death education” and psychiatric drugs. As students at Columbine High School, Colorado, they were asked to imagine their own death. After that “exercise” Harris had a dream where he and Klebold went on a shooting rampage in a shopping center. In addition to attending these classes, Harris was taking an antidepressant drug known to cause violent behavior. He even wrote about his killing spree dream and handed it in to the psychology teacher. Not long after, Harris and Klebold acted out the dream by shooting and killing 12 students and a teacher, and wounding 23 others.
On May 21, 1998, in Oregon, USA, 14-year-old Kip Kinkel shot and killed his parents and then went on a wild shooting spree at his high school, which left two dead and 22 injured. He was taking a psychiatric drug and had undergone a psychological “anger management” program.
April 16, 1999: Notus, Idaho: 15-year-old Shawn Cooper fired two shotgun rounds in his school narrowly missing students; he was taking a mix of antidepressants.
May 20, 1999, Conyers, Georgia: 15-year-old T.J. Solomon was being treated with a mix of antidepressants when he opened fire on and wounded six of his classmates.
March 7, 2000, Williamsport, Pennsylvania: 14-year-old Elizabeth Bush was on the antidepressant Prozac when she blasted away at fellow students wounding one.
March 22, 2001, El Cajon, California: 18-year-old Jason Hoffman was on two antidepressants, Effexor and Celexa, when he opened fire at his high school, wounding five. Hoffman had also undergone an “anger management” program.
- April 10, 2001: Wahluke, Washington: 16-year-old Cory Baadsgaard took a rifle to his high school, and held 23 classmates and a teacher hostage. Cory had been on a high dose of an antidepressant.
- March 21, 2005: 16-year-old Native American school shooter Jeff Weise was the 8th school shooter who had been taking a mind-altering antidepressant. He killed 9 people, injured about 10 others before shooting himself.
Unbelievable. I am thoroughly convinced that TEEN SCREEN is the problem!
Parents of defiant children may want to look into one of the many behavior modification programs available.
Did you know that 100% of the participants in Alcoholics Anonymous are alcoholics??? Clearly, the treatment program used to help these folks must somehow be the cause of the problem.
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