Drugs and Teen Screen
What role does drugs play is this screening, most of these teens screened are eventually medicated so the pharmaceutical companies rack in some serious cash through these teens. Insured or not the pharmaceutical companies are also working with these mental health professionals to continue to make money.
The sale of anti-depressants will continue to rise even after some of these drugs are said to cause suicidal tendencies. Isn't that what they are supposed to prevent? This is a multi-billion dollar industry drugging up children.It is supposed to prevent harmful tendencies or actions to themselves. These drugs may in fact cause them to harm themselves anyway. How is it (medicating the child) in the child's best interests at this time?In a British Journal it said that "antidepressants are eroding our well being and dismiss life as a simple spark of synaptic electricity." Point blank we should see these kids as the normal energetic kids that they are, not some robotic, zombie-like individual that depends on a drug that is supposed to help them to function better. All the while making the pharmaceutical companies richer.
Teen Screen makes the pharmaceutical companies richer, at the expense of our children. Is it worth it
The whole Teen Screen program sickens me! I allowed my son to participate and now he is labeled as mentally ill simply because he was grieving over the death of his father.
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