Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Funding Source Behind Teen Screen

The Teen Screen program started making headlines as an ill-conceived and unscientific method of screening for mental illnesses among school aged children and teenagers. The first claims were that the Teen Screen Program could identify children at risk for volatile behavior and suicide. Of course they would need a pretty strong argument in order to get funding for this unscientific method of personality profiling. Someone came to their rescue however. It may shock you, then again it may not shock you to know who it was that came to the Teen Screen Program's aid - The pharmaceutical drug industry.

That's right! Monies filtered into the program can be directly tracked back to the pharmaceutical drug industry. What is more, certain members of those drug companies actually helped develop the survey questionnaire which is given to youngsters who participate in the Teen Screen Program.

Does that really surprise you that the main program that puts young children on medicines like: Ritalin, Zoloft, Paxil, and Xanax; is funded by the very pharmaceutical companies that manufacture these drugs. Is it really a coincidence that the developers of the Teen Screen Program are paid members and contributors of these very companies?

Many parents of young children are waking up to the fact that the Teen Screen Program is just an elaborate way to bolster the sales of prescription psychiatric drugs in America. Now is the time to wake up and realize the conspiracy. Join the "No to Teen Screen" Petition and let your voice be heard!


Ben Jacobs July 2, 2009 at 3:12 AM  

That is really sickening to think and KNOW that the drug companies are financing these studies. Poor kids of those unsuspecting parents.

Michael Taylor July 7, 2009 at 7:45 PM  

Somehow it doesn't surprise me that the drug companies are financing this so-called medical study.

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