Thursday, August 13, 2009

TeenScreen Keeps its Locations Secret

Some may wonder just why the TeenScreen program keeps its locations a secret from parents. Maybe because they don't want the parents to know when and where their children will be screened. Also, it may be that the directors don't want the public to get hip to their schemes.

According to TeenScreen's director, Leslie McGuire, TeenScreen is fearful there will be an uprising against mental health screening (quite correctly), therefore TeenScreen refuses to divulge their locations. At any rate, see what one of the directors of the TeenScreen program once said:

"We generally don't divulge that information. Some sites want to share where they are and they want to connect people but generally we don't make that list public and that's so that they don't get swamped with lots of questions from people — you know — instead of coming to us where this is our job and we're paid to do that and it's also so they don't get targeted by some of these anti-screening groups."

Listen to her statement here: Leslie McGuire Speaks


Ravi Rai August 31, 2009 at 6:20 AM  

Thanks for sharing this great program

Anonymous September 18, 2009 at 4:49 PM  

Teenscreen is a horrible and evil tool of the psychiatric hacks who want more money at the expense of children and anyone else

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