Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is there really a need for mental health screening?

Some would say that there is a dire need to screen America's teens for mental illness, but when all aspects of the issue are examined, there are more risks than benefits. For the sake of the argument, the TeenScreen program has been widely proclaimed as a breakthrough method of tracking down mental illness before it gets out of hand. But what is it really? As discussed in previous articles on this site, the TeenScreen project is nothing more than a scheme by the pharmaceutical companies to cash in on America's hardworking families.

The tests are given by computers, not humans specializing in mental health, and there is a false positive rate of well over 90%! When a child receives a false positive result, he or she is labeled as "Mentally Ill" and are immediately put onto psychiatric drugs like Zoloft, Paxil, Xanax, and more. These drugs are known to produce suicidal and homicidal side effects! The program boasts its ability to identify suicidal teens. We would have to agree, if their way of "identifying" suicidal teens is by CREATING suicidal teens. Because that's all they really do.

So, is there a need for mental health screening in schools? Possibly in the RAREST of occasions, but not in any usual school.


Anonymous November 10, 2009 at 5:36 PM  

Drugs are bad for kids, and that includes the drugs that the psychiatrists prescribe for so-called anxieties that are just part of growing up. Stay off psych drugs and stay away from teen screen. Teen Screen is dangerous. Great site.

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