Why is TeenScreen So Controversial?
TeenScreen came onto the scene as something that was state of the art and revoluntionary for screening for mental illnesses in school-aged children. Soon however, the truth was revealed. The Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia stated that the suicide rate for children ages 10-19 is rapidly declining. This fact contradicts the claims that TeenScreen can screen and identify a child (or teen) at risk of suicide. In fact, TeenScreen interferes with the workings of the American family. The US government and its TeenScreen program is putting its business where it doesn't belong - In the American family's household.
A computer is used to screen our children for high risk behavior such as suicide. Computers have been known to be wrong. The US government is making grave mistake by entrusting the future well-being of our children to computers. The result of the TeenScreen test will follow your child for the rest of his or her life, affecting future relationships, jobs, opportunities and more. Are you confident enough in this program to allow your child to take it? If you are, how well will he or she do? The honest truth is: There isn't a way to know for sure how the child will fair for the test. But as stated before, the results will follow them well into adulthood.
I never realized how serious this Teen Screen program was. I had a few friends who had their chidren tested, but I don't know what the results were though. But anyways, Teen Screen is scary. It reminds me of some kind of spy/espionage/ type of movie. Thanks for this article. I am going to go sign the petition.
There is alot of information here that I have not seen put out by proponents of Teen Screen. Thank you.
I agree with Candy. Teen Screen seemed like a great way to help our kids, but unfortunately it's not. I learned from experience. Stay away from Teen Screen.
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