Teen Screen: A Very Scarey Fairy Tale
There's a lot of controversey out there about TeenScreen. Last month, Anne Dunev wrote a great piece on The Huffington Post, called "Who Needs the Brothers Grimm When We Have Teen Screen?"
It's a quick read, but it's scarey, and definitely not the kind of fairy tale you want to come true. But it is coming true, with Teen Screen and the rest of George Bush's 2002 "mental health initiative". The New Freedom Comission on Mental Health has as its mission to "test" all American kids for "mental illness". It starts with kids, but if you read more about the New Freedom Comission on Mental Health, you'll see that the real goas is to get EVERYONE tested. And to get everyone diagnosed. Because the pharmaceutical companies have a pill for whatever might ail you.
We need to STOP TEEN SCREEN. Teen Screen is a "foot in the door" for the drug companies. They see the "screening" as a way to get American teenagers hooked on pharmaceutical feel-good medication. Anne Dunev explains in the comments to her article that parents are not told that the "treatment" is ALWAYS drugs, if their child's answer's to the 10 minute questionairre indicate that treatment is necessary. In fact, parents all over country are saying NO to having their child tested.
Read Dunev's Huffington Post piece.
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